The chopper tour company is owned and opperated by the coolest South African guy. This dude is pushing 60, I would guess, but he still pulls off the bad-ass biker look to a T. Bandana, handle bar mustache, long grey hair; the whole 9! He's the nicest guy you'll ever meet and his accent is one of the coolest I've heard yet, and that's saying a lot! Pretty much all you do is pay this guy $40, you pick your chopper (I got the one with flames, Garrett chose the American flag one before I did...damn him!) he gives you a 5 minute briefing on how to ride a motorcycle and you are off! The bikes themselves are not real Choppers, they are only 50cc's, but they look like Choppers and you feel like you are riding a motorcyle. Our group had about 25 people in it; it was pretty cool looking back feeling like you were in a biker gang or something. The tour he takes you on is about 3 hours so we got a good amount of cruising in. The max speed you reach is about 50 mph, which isn't crazy but it felt pretty damn fast having never rode a motorbike before.
Our first stop was at a house with a microwave as a mailbox (the home of hotmail...haha, I'm sooo gay). We stopped here because a bunch of Kangaroos hang out in Hotmail's front yard! Our guide told us to approach them carefully as they will let you get close if you do so. As we were approaching the group of Roo's a massive one came out of the woodwork and hopped right by in front of us. This guy was HUGE, I'm not even kidding, he was at least 6 feet tall! If you've never seen a Roo jump around in person, it is the coolest thing. It doesn't look that cool on tv, but in real life it is mesmerizing. Oh ya, their hands are really small which provides great comic relief... haha! We approached the group of Roo's and got within about 10 feet from them, snapped some good photos and were off.
Next we headed for the bay and cruised around the brim of it which was awesome because the sun was beginning to go down. We all stopped at a nearby cafe and got chips (fries) and a drink, then chilled out on some nearby rocks and watched the beautiful sunset. After the sun conceded it was time to head back before it got too dark. The bugs started to come out at this point and I got a few to the face on the way back which hurt like hell. It was a great experience riding a Chopper, thats one more thing I can say I've done after this trip I guess. Garrett is hell-bent on getting one now and riding across The States, but I'm not surprised!
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